Restoring memory plays a key role in my scientific technothriller, A REMEDY FOR DEATH: Playing God with Body, Soul and Biotech, Though REMEDY is finished and out in the world, I still have Google search and other similar on the lookout for new developments. (Who knows? Maybe there will be a sequel sometime. But what would I title it? SON OF REMEDY FOR DEATH? Nah, guess I'll have to keep looking.)
Anyway, Bloomberg published the article referenced here, "Brain implants hold promise in restoring combat memory loss," which ties in (sort of) with what happens at the fictional Hauenfelder Clinic. There they use a different kind of brain implants for memory restoration. But who knows? If there's a sequel they may adapt the approach profiled in the Bloomberg article.
Here's the link to that Bloomberg article, by Kathleen Miller:
Bloomberg: Brain implants promise restoring combat memory loss
The research, mostly funded by DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) initially focuses on helping wounded soldiers with brain injuries, but is expected to be useful to others with memory disorders, such as Alzheimer's, dementia, injury or certain diseases.
A large part involves the surgical mplantation of electric probes in the brain to stimulate memories, particularly "task-based" skills-- like how to drive, how to dress and the like. This rather than --in this study-- recall of abstract memories such as names. (But I expect work on that kind of memory restoratio isn't far behind.)
Note, this group of studies does not involve implanting brain cells, but as I've recorded elswhere in this blog, that is being done. Link to other blog posts here on human brain cells implanted into mice, and other related
For much more, check out the Categories / archives section on the sidebar of this blog, linking you to my past posts on memory, brain implants, tissue engineering, and more